Lesson 5. 예요/이에요, 요/이요 (To be)
when 언제, where 어디, who 누구, what 뭐/무슨, how 어떻게, why 왜
# 언제예요? When is it?
# 어디예요? Where is it?
# 누구예요? Who is it?
# 뭐예요? What is it?
# 왜요? Why is it?
*무엇 gets shorten to 뭐.
뭐 + verbs, 무슨 + nouns
this 이 이것
that 저 + thing 것 = 저것
it, the 그 그것
# 이것은 뭐예요? What is this?
# 그것은 책이에요. It is a book.
# 무슨 책이에요? What book is it?
# 저것은 얼마예요? How much is that?
# 저것은 10,000원이에요. That is 10,000 Won.
* For speaking, 이것은-이건, 저것은-저건, 그것은-그건
ex) 이건 뭐예요? 그건 책이에요. 저건 얼마예요? 저건 10,000원이에요.
this 이 person 사람 = 이 사람
that 저 + man 남자 = 저 남자
it, the 그 girl 여자 = 그 여자
# 이 사람은 누구예요? Who is this person?
# 그 사람은 제 친구예요. The person is my friend.
# 저 음식은 뭐예요? What is that food?
# 저 음식은 비빔밥이에요. That food is bibimbap.
요, 이요 is used when you want to use just a noun. (It's impolite if you don't use it.)
No 받침 - 요
# 누구세요? Who are you?
# 저요? Me?
# 저는 떠나요. I'm leaving.
# 언제요? When?
# 이건 뭐예요? What is this?
# 컴퓨터요. A computer.
# 저건 뭐예요? What is that?
# 카메라요. A camera.
받침 - 이요
# 오늘 무슨 요일이에요? What day is today?
# 월요일이요. Monday.
# 얼마예요? How much is it?
# 2,000원이요. 2,000 Won.
# 무슨 일을 해요? What do you do?
# 선생님이요. Teacher.
# 뭐 좋아해요? What do you like?
# 피자요. Pizza.
Hope these helped you guys! Questions are always welcome🤗 (Comments or messages any of them is fine)
Next lesson is [ 요/어요/해요 I do(Polite) ] and it's gonna be uploaded next week:)
If you want to exercise, check out the comments below!
1:1 Tutor ( paid ) : fman1335@gmail.com
when 언제, where 어디, who 누구, what 뭐/무슨, how 어떻게, why 왜
# 언제예요? When is it?
# 어디예요? Where is it?
# 누구예요? Who is it?
# 뭐예요? What is it?
# 왜요? Why is it?
*무엇 gets shorten to 뭐.
뭐 + verbs, 무슨 + nouns
this 이 이것
that 저 + thing 것 = 저것
it, the 그 그것
# 이것은 뭐예요? What is this?
# 그것은 책이에요. It is a book.
# 무슨 책이에요? What book is it?
# 저것은 얼마예요? How much is that?
# 저것은 10,000원이에요. That is 10,000 Won.
* For speaking, 이것은-이건, 저것은-저건, 그것은-그건
ex) 이건 뭐예요? 그건 책이에요. 저건 얼마예요? 저건 10,000원이에요.
this 이 person 사람 = 이 사람
that 저 + man 남자 = 저 남자
it, the 그 girl 여자 = 그 여자
# 이 사람은 누구예요? Who is this person?
# 그 사람은 제 친구예요. The person is my friend.
# 저 음식은 뭐예요? What is that food?
# 저 음식은 비빔밥이에요. That food is bibimbap.
요, 이요 is used when you want to use just a noun. (It's impolite if you don't use it.)
No 받침 - 요
# 누구세요? Who are you?
# 저요? Me?
# 저는 떠나요. I'm leaving.
# 언제요? When?
# 이건 뭐예요? What is this?
# 컴퓨터요. A computer.
# 저건 뭐예요? What is that?
# 카메라요. A camera.
받침 - 이요
# 오늘 무슨 요일이에요? What day is today?
# 월요일이요. Monday.
# 얼마예요? How much is it?
# 2,000원이요. 2,000 Won.
# 무슨 일을 해요? What do you do?
# 선생님이요. Teacher.
# 뭐 좋아해요? What do you like?
# 피자요. Pizza.
Hope these helped you guys! Questions are always welcome🤗 (Comments or messages any of them is fine)
Next lesson is [ 요/어요/해요 I do(Polite) ] and it's gonna be uploaded next week:)
If you want to exercise, check out the comments below!
If you wanna see more common mistakes, check our youtube channel.:
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Facebook: https://facebook.com/studykoreanwithvolunteers Twitter: https://twitter.com/koreanhelper Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/koreanlab_ discord: https://discord.gg/j9Knkyc
Facebook: https://facebook.com/studykoreanwithvolunteers Twitter: https://twitter.com/koreanhelper Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/koreanlab_ discord: https://discord.gg/j9Knkyc
1:1 Tutor ( paid ) : fman1335@gmail.com
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