How to say 'try it' in Korean????

In English, you can just say ‘Try’ in most of the actions and it makes sense, right?

However, in Korean, you need to say ‘해 봐요’ differently depending on its situation.

All the situations are different when you eat or when you wear, etc.

You can say ‘Try eating once.’ when you eat,

And ‘Try wearing once.’ when you wear, something like that.

FYI, we also need to break down ‘wear’ in Korean like ‘입다, 쓰다, 걸치다, 차다, 신다’

And In Korean, You’d better avoid imperative sentences to higher people.

So, people normally say it in a question form like ‘Would you try eating this once?’

‘Would you try wearing this once?’.

As for ‘-하다’, you can just say like ‘한 번 해보실래요?’

Then, Shall we look through them a bit more?

커피 마셔 볼래요?
Do you wanna try drinking coffee?
게임 한 번 해 볼래요?
Do you wanna try game once?
운전해 볼래요?
Do you wanna try driving?

안경 한 번 써 보실래요?
Do you wanna try wearing glasses once?

시계 한 번 차 보실래요?
Do you wanna try wearing watch once?

렌즈 껴 보실래요?
Do you wanna try wearing lens?

귀걸이 해 보실래요?
Do you wanna try wearing earrings?

목걸이 차 보실래요?
Do you wanna try wearing necklace?

가방 메 보실래요?
Do you wanna try putting on bag?

신발 한 번 신어 보실래요?
Do you wanna try wearing shoes once?
한 번 잡아 보실래요?
Do you wanna try holding once?

한 번 만져 보실래요?
Do you wanna try touching once?

한 번 앉아 보실래요?
Do you wanna try seating on once?

한 번 안아 보실래요?
Do you wanna try hugging once?

비빔밥 한 숟가락 해 보실래요?
Do you wanna try a spoon of 비빔밥 once?

한 번 마셔 보실래요?
Do you wanna try drinking once?

냄새 맡아 보실래요?

Do you wanna try smelling?

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