We've talked about curses in Korean... The members suddenly became so active.
You need to know this so that you know if it is a bad word or not. But I hope you don't spit it out!
The result is...
꺼져 = turn off (fuck off). (This is not really a curse, so you can use it on TV. But better not use it.)
개새끼 = son of bitch (개=dog / 새끼 = baby(children))
씨발년 (for girl) , 씨발놈 (for boy) = fucking bitch, fucking bastard
미친년 (for girl) , 미친놈 (for boy) = crazy bitch, crazy bastard
씨발, 존나 = like 'fuck', 'hell'
신발, 신발색깔, 십샌치 = like ‘heck’ , ‘freaking’ , ‘gosh’
병신 = disabled/handicapped person.
바보 = dumb person. Byt it is not used a lot. but it can imply 'love'. like between lovers. It is like 'Are you stupid?' but it doesn' really mean, 'You are really stupid?'
좆 까 = Yea, fuck you, smarty pants!
지랄 = Insane lunatic freak!
닥쳐 = shut up
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