What is the difference between -지 않다, -지 못하다, and -ㄹ/을 수 없다?

안 = don't (않 = 안하(다)/아니하(다), 안 = 아니 )
못 = can't
없다 = be not

1. 안, 못 with/without space.

And there are also verbs with 안, 못. for example,

안되다 = poor

안 되다 = doesn't work

못하다 = be not good at

못 하다 = can't do

못생기다 = be ugly

못 생기다 = can't create

2. 있다 / 없다


There is/are ~ = ~이/가 있다.

S be-verb ~ = S이/가 있다.

(possibility / ability)

be able to / can / could / may / might = -ㄹ 수 있다

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