When you want to ask 'Do you have brothers or sisters?' or 'Do you have any siblings? ' or something.
People normally say, '형제 있어요?', '형이나 동생있어요?', '오빠 있어요?', etc. which is random words with 형제, 형, 동생, 누나, 여동생, etc. sometimes, we ask for the whole family. '가족에 누구 누구있어요?' I don't think it is a good question since this one is very large, what if he/she doesn't have parents?
People normally say, '형제 있어요?', '형이나 동생있어요?', '오빠 있어요?', etc. which is random words with 형제, 형, 동생, 누나, 여동생, etc. sometimes, we ask for the whole family. '가족에 누구 누구있어요?' I don't think it is a good question since this one is very large, what if he/she doesn't have parents?
However, we don't really say '남매' like '남매 있어요?' But it is okay to use it. That's actually much correct than the others. But '남매' is normally used when we explain/answer the relation between the siblings when somebody asks you 'Are you two siblings?', 'Who is him?'.
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