Q ) '당신'과 '너'의 차이가 뭐예요?
Chan ) 너 is absolutely 반말.
Generally, we don't use 당신. But in some cases... between husband and wife, when you are angry at the stranger. in poem lyrics drama etc. Drama and movie isn't reality haha. very romantic lol.
Nick ) "당신은 뭐야" ㅋㅋㅋ
Chan ) '당신 뭔데 blah blah' '당신이 그랬잖아!' when old people fight lol. You can hear this when there's a car accident ^^
여보, 당신, 자기야 are common calling name for a married couple.
Q ) It's too complicated XD
Chan ) Yes. you don't need to know^^ because you would never use this. There are some exceptions. But try to say '나+반말', '저+존댓말' as a set.
Nick ) you never know ^^
Chan ) I never used and been called since birth.
exceptions) People never say. '저+반말'. But they sometimes say '나+존댓말'. XD. I think I will...
Q ) 설마 ~ (ehhh ~ I don't think so.)
Q) 근데 "당신"이 존댓말 아닌가요? 왜 married people use it?
Chan ) it's different. 당신 has two faces. lovely or madness.
# 당신
1. when the older want or need to respect you.
; if older people say very respectfully to younger people. That's weird. especially, the older has the same age as your father... in that much gap. older people use '나+존댓말' sometimes.
2. when your close friends make a joke or say friendly in a funny way or when they twist the word.
1:1 Tutor ( paid ) : fman1335@gmail.com
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